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How to feel normal ????
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Unregistered member
Hi Liza, I'm 39 and new here too and I feel exactly how you do, I have been diagnosed with depression on and off throughout my entire adult life but never really speak about it with people I know .. I hide it because I'm scared of what people will think of me .. I have disabled children and need to be on top of things, people say to me they don't know how I do it or how I cope, the truth is that mentally i dont

Unregistered member
I just have to put on a brave face for everybody and it hurts so much to feel this isolated xx

Unregistered member
Liza. Perhaps you can define what 'normal' is?
How do you know you think differently from 'normal' people? Have you asked everyone you encounter how they think? I 'think' you'd have a surprise.
I have read many studied that say people who are 'depressed' tend to over think too many things, or, they think too deeply about 'things', or they think negatively about every outcome.
Have you ever watched / read the news without really thinking about whats being said? How much of it is negative?
How many positive people do you know?

Unregistered member
Liza, now is your chance, in a hopefully safe, non-judgemental, forum to share how you 'feel'.
Why are you scared of what people will think of you?
May I be bold enough to say that looking after the needs of children with 'disabilities' may make you 'feel' life is hopeless?
Please forgive me if you find that offensive, it was not meant to be.

Unregistered member
thank you so much for your comments and I suppose the low self esteem would add to the feeling of " been different" and a very good point was made ! I actually don't know how others think it's what they show ! I always knew from a very young age that something wasn't right ! When I was diagnosed with major depression it made some sense ! But I suppose I need to accept who I am rather than questioning myself constantly and trying to figure out why I behave and think the way I do !! Thank you all so much for your feed back in an ironic way it's good to know others feel the same way xx
Last activity on 26/02/2025 at 17:27
Joined in 2015
2 comments posted | 2 in the Depression Forum
Being able to tell others is the first step to recovery. We fortunately live in an age where mental health conditions are more "publicised" and "accepted". I know exactly what you mean about feeling "normal" though.
I am 46 now and had postnatal depression with my first child in 1987. Since then I have had depressive episodes on and off. I have been taking fluoxetine now for about 5 years and am well over the stigma of medication. Accepting yourself as "normal" ( what is normal anyway??!) is a big step but well worth it.
Talk to close family or good friends. The more you talk about it the more "normal" you will feel. If you can access CBT through your GP, I would recommend this approach too. I wish you well with your journey x

Unregistered member
Sadly depression is still somewhat misunderstood by many. But looking at the statistics, around 1 in 4 people will suffer from depression/mental illness at some point in their lives. You are not alone and it is a very normal condition to have. People just don't like to talk about it as much as cancer or asthma or the other 'physical' illnesses which affect around the same number of people.
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Unregistered member
Hi my name is Liza I'm 39 years old and new here ! I always wondered why I'm not like normal people ? And think like normal people ? I look at others and they get along in life without thinking the way I do ! Which makes me feel abnormal ! Is it because I'm a deep thinker or because I suffer with deep depression ? Does anyone else ever feel this way ? Or is it just me ? Thanks