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Sharing my experience with COVID-19!
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Last activity on 13/10/2022 at 16:47
Joined in 2020
1,280 comments posted | 51 in the Asthma Forum
10 of their responses were helpful to members
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@Jennie66 Hello Jennie66, thank you for sharing your story! I'm so glad to hear you're feeling better! I think you experience can be helpful for our other members with asthma!
Hello members, how are you doing today? What do you think about Jennie66's experience? Have you or anyone you know tested positive for COVID-19? Did they have symptoms like what Jennie66 describes? Feel free to share your experience here!
@Debbiepoo @FiDiFi @Togger2010 @Apollo @kelly3233 @Shassh @Clifty @Belfastlou67 @Cherrett @harlandt1
Take care,
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Courtney_J, Community Manager, Carenity UK
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Last activity on 17/05/2021 at 13:28
Joined in 2020
2 comments posted | 2 in the Asthma Forum
Good morning I hope you are all well. I'm an asthmatic recovering from covid 19. I was poorly for 3 weeks at home with what me go thought was a chest infection that had kicked my asthma off. I had no temp but an awful cough and felt so weak. After 2 weeks I was admitted to hospital. I tested negative but a ct scan showed ground glass opacity covid scarring on my lung and pneumonia. After 12 days I was discharged home but far from well. More steroids and antibiotics inhalers still i struggled to breath. I'm now on nebulisers at home and I'm living from 1 to the next as my chest is so tight and wheezy. Its scary times for us all. My pound of posting us to make you aware that not all people have a temperature with covid until they get a severe pneumonia. If your more short of breath feel weak and its more than you feel an exasperation of your usual asthma symptoms please dont be like me a d leave it until you can walk to the bathroom seek help soon. We are much more vulnerable than people realise. Please stay safe all. Xx