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- Have you ever been to hospital because of your asthma?
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Have you ever been to hospital because of your asthma?
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Hi everyone I have had asthma since the age of 21 didnt really affect my life didn't even always carry my inhaler then 2yrs ago I had a chest infection nothing unusual had many over the years but this one would not respond to antibiotics. Peak flow keep dropping and eventually I ended up in hospital 8 day later I was still in then ended up in intensive care with respiratory failure. And since then I have have been in 14 times now and no one has a answear why my asthma was one minute controlled and is now not .
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Last activity on 13/10/2022 at 16:47
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Hello everyone,
How are you today? Have you seen this older discussion?
On some occasions, a severe asthma attack can require admission to hospital in order to treat it and calm the symptoms.
Has this ever happened to you? Have you ever had to go to A&E for an asthma attack? What were the circumstances?
@CandiceT @Lee411 @Miramm @Cat1971 @Hayley2021 @Jules11 @Kimberleymarina @Shellybelly @Cardlady @dianalawson @Jacquelineg46 @Katrinagonsalves @Emmalou1987 @Taylrt @thejoyboy @Zsuzannah @JASnoding
Feel free to share here!
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Courtney_J, Community Manager, Carenity UK
Last activity on 12/05/2021 at 19:10
Joined in 2020
Hi everyone
I have had asthma since the age of 4. I have had multiple hospitalizations, intubation and have had both hips and shoulders replaced because of steroid treatment for my asthma. My asthma is as severe as it gets. It causes me depression and I am permanently disabled. Those that say asthma is no big deal are very mistaken. I have been incubated 5 times and comatose 9 times
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Last activity on 14/03/2025 at 02:08
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98 comments posted | 14 in the Asthma Forum
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Hi everyone,
I was diagnosed with asthma when I was in high school. When I was in my first year in college, I had gone to a friend's engagement party at a social club, which has since closed down and been converted into a store that sells different types of uniforms and sports clothing.
during the party I had started to feel unwell and I had thought that it was my asthma starting as I was too hot, so I had gone outside the social club to get some air and was closely followed by my middle sister and her partner and the guy I was dating at the time.
I hadn't been outside long when I began to feel worse, so my boyfriend at the time rang for an ambulance as I was struggling to breathe and my inhaler wasn't working and also I was feeling really unwell.
I was admitted to a ward and my then bf was sat with me and we were talking about this and that, when my asthma suddenly started up again (as it had calmed down whilst I was in the ambulance) but my inhaler wasn't working again, so my boyfriend at the time went to look for a nurse for help. Once he'd found a nurse, she checked me over and she had to get two porters to swap my bed with another bed as the oxygen connections near my bed wasn't working, so I had to be moved from being near the window to near the door so that the nurse could put me on oxygen so she could go and find a doctor to check .e over and to prescribe me a nebulizer as the doctor would be able to tell the nurse which would be the right nebulizer for me.
Thankfully between the oxygen and nebulizer my asthma settled down.
I was using both the oxygen and nebulizer as the nebulizer was too much for me on its own.
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TJ Bennett
Last activity on 20/10/2024 at 17:48
Joined in 2020
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hi everyone this Emma here asthmas blue and brown
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710 comments posted | 26 in the Asthma Forum
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Has anyone been hospitalized due to an asthma attack? If yes don't hesitate in sharing your story and advice with the rest!