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- Blood pressure measurement: sitting or lying down?
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Blood pressure measurement: sitting or lying down?
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Hi Judy the BP varies all the time, sitting or lying down. The new research from the cardiologist says that you should do your BP 3 times in succession with a minute's break in between and only record the third reading as that is the accurate reading of your BP. it doesn't matter what position you do it in, as when we do patient's BP in the hospital, they are more lying down than sitting up. The normal BP is up to 129/84. In older patients 135/90 is acceptable. I am a qualified nurse. Does your dad suffer from high BP? Is he on any medication for it? Hope this helps. If you are at all worried about his BP, then you can do his recording 3 times a day, morning, afternoon and evening, preferably around the same times each day for 7 days on the trot and record the lowest of the 3 readings. The next time he goes to see his GP, take the chart with him. The doctor averages out from the 7 day recordings and advises you accordingly. Hope this helps.
Good luck
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Last activity on 22/10/2020 at 11:09
Joined in 2020
10 comments posted | 5 in the Arterial hypertension Forum
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@nineteen_gale Oh thank you so much, this is so helpful! Yes, he's had high BP for a few years now but I've just started caring for him recently as he's moved in with my family. Since he's moved in with me I've been trying to reduce his salt intake (god knows what he was eating on his own before) and his GP has him on amlodipine. I've been a bit worried about it since I'm so new to this. I will definitely start taking more readings and make a chart. Thank you again!

Unregistered member
Hi Judy
I am glad you found the chart helpful. yes, its a very good idea to reduce the salt in his diet, preferably salt free if he can get used to it. Put more herbs and pepper for flavor. Keep an eye on his ankles. Is he on any Diurettics (Water tablets). If his ankles are swollen, press your fingers into his swelling and lift them up. If the skin takes a little while to come back up from pressing, then has got what is described in medical terms as pitting oedema. feel free to ask anything you need to if you are worried. I will be glad to help if I can.
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Last activity on 22/10/2020 at 11:09
Joined in 2020
10 comments posted | 5 in the Arterial hypertension Forum
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I hope this question isn't too basic, I've just started taking care of my father who has high blood pressure. I'm new to this. I've noticed that there's a difference in his measurements between when he's sitting and lying down.
For example:
- 2 measurements while lying down: 120/75, 125/80
- 2 measurements sitting: 110/73, 115/75
So I'm often not quite sure if his BP is high or not. Does anyone have the same problem? What position should I be taking it in?