Sweet and sour sauce home made
Published 18 May 2016

Category : Low in fat
Type : Sauce
Difficulty : Beginner
Directions : 10 minutes
Cooking time : 6 minutes
Price range : Just right
Ingredients 5 Number of people
White wine vinger :- 2 tablespoons
Sweetner:- 1 or 2 tablespoons
Dark Soy Sauce:- depends on taste buds but 2-4 tablespoons
Tomatoe Ketup:- depends on how sweet you like but 2-4 tablespoons
Tomatoe puree:- 1 to 2 tea spoons or more
Cornflour:- 2 to 3 tablespoons
Tin of pinapple:- need juice
Water:- 300ml ish
So use half of tin of pinapple juice and mix with cornflour to form a sorta smooth paste.
Then add waster and rest of pinapple juice
Then add everything else.
Then taste and change if you want it sweeter add more sweetner or tom kep, or other way add more dark soy sauce.
The sauce thickens in the pan when you cook it, over anything can be veg stuff or with meat eg chicken, beef, prawns