Published 2 Aug 2016

1. Apples
Studies show that apples possess anti-asthmatic properties. One study revealed that drinking apple juice could reduce the chance of wheezing by up to 50%. Apples provide many beneficial effects that may be linked to their high concentration of quercetin, known to possess strong antioxidant, anti-histamine, and anti-inflammatory properties. But be sure to buy organic, as apples are among the worst culprits for pesticide-laden foods.
Other quercertin-rich foods include yellow and red onions, capers, broccoli, lovage, red grapes, cherries, citrus fruits, tea, and many berries, including lingonberries, raspberries, and cranberries
2. Avocados
Avocado are listed as one of the healthiest foods to eat, thanks to their high concentration of L-glutathione. They are an amazing anti-asthma food that helps protect cells from free radical damage. Avocados also detoxify the body of harmful substances like pollutants, and enable other antioxidants to function. The L-glutathione helps fight inflammation and repair gut health.
3. Bananas
Bananas are naturally rich in fiber, which helps prevent respiratory conditions from developing. According to a study conducted in 2011 by researchers from the Imperial College London, having just one banana a day could keep asthma away. Studies found that children who consume a single banana a day reduce their risk of developing symptoms of asthma such as wheezing by more than 30%.
4. Cantaloupe
Cantaloupe is rich in vitamin C, which is an antioxidant that can fight free radicals and ward off lung damage. A recent study in Japan observed that preschool children with a low intake of vitamin C were more likely to suffer from asthma that those with a high intake.
5. Flax Seeds
Give your asthma-friendly diet a boost by adding flaxseeds to your meals. Flaxseeds are filled with asthma-relieving minerals such as magnesium and potassium as well as omega-3 fatty acids. They are also an excellent source of selenium, as just one cup provides more than 60% of the daily recommended intake.
6. Turmeric
Turmeric is an active ingredient that has proven to be one of the most powerful anti-inflammatory nutrients available. This yellow spice has been used for centuries in traditional Asian medicine to treat asthma and other ailments. Recently, western medicine has also started to take notice of this spice, as studies reveal that turmeric contains strong anti-inflammatory properties. You can use turmeric in curry or to add flavor and color to seafood, fish, rice, meat, pasta, and vegetable dishes.
7. Kale
Kale is a great source of vitamin C, and this nutritional powerhouse helps block the free radicals that are responsible for sudden contractions in airway passages. Kale also contains beta-carotene, another powerful antioxidant phytochemical that is capable of relieving existing symptoms of asthma while preventing future signs of formation.
It is one of the top vegetables with the highest rating in ORAC, or Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity, which measures the food’s ability to fight free radicals that cause constriction of airway muscles.
8. Ginger
Ginger is loaded with anti-inflammatory nutrients that process through the entire body. Its root is another rich anti-asthma herb that is said to work better than antihistamine drugs like Benadryl, as it stops inflammation and clears up airways. Ginger also does not cause any harmful side effects, making it safe for you to consume with your everyday diet for good health.
9. Spinach
A recent study involving over 68,000 women found that high spinach intake was related to a lower risk of asthma. This may be due to the high vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene, and magnesium content in spinach. Spinach is also high in potassium, which is said to exacerbate symptoms of asthma when deficient. Asthma is strongly related to magnesium deficiency, as treatments with magnesium have been revealed to help stop an asthma attack.
10. Tomatoes
Tomatoes are known for providing lycopene, which helps alleviate symptoms of asthma. Raw tomatoes also contain beta-carotene and vitamin C, with a high amount of potassium in their calorie content.
The key to living a long, healthy life is to eat well and stay active. Add these powerful asthma-friendly foods to your diet and see how well your body starts to feel.
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