Psoriasis And Aneurysm: Skin Condition Linked To Triggering Aneurysm
Published 25 Apr 2016

Not all skin conditions are skin deep. Studies show a link between psoriasis and aneurysm. As psoriasis, an inflammatory skin condition, worsens, so is one's risk of suffering from an enlargement of the artery, which at worse, could rupture.
A new study from Denmark showed the link between psoriasis and aneurysm. Psoriasis, a disease characterized by scaly red patches on the skin, may denote an increased risk of a person to suffer from abdominal aortic aneurysm.
Psoriasis And Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
The Huffington Post reported that abdominal aortic aneurysm may be rare, but having psoriasis increases the possibility of the aorta carrying blood to the abdomen to rupture. If this happens, there's often no symptom that will tell you an impending rupture will occur.
The study found in the Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology journal involved 60,000 people suffering from mild psoriasis. It also included 11,000 people who were suffering from severe psoriasis.
It found that over a 14-year period of studying the two groups, 240 people with mild psoriasis developed aneurysm. From the group with severe aneurysm, 50 people developed aneurysm. An increased risk showed in both groups when compared to the control group.
Reason Behind Psoriasis And Aneurysm Link
As the inflammation of the skin worsens, so is the amount of the inflammation in the blood vessels. This exacerbated inflammation is what gives rise to the increased heart disease risk.
According to Live Science, the inflammation in the aorta is a prerequisite in developing aneurysms. Based on the results of the study, psoriasis should not only be considered as an isolated skin disease. It must be treated as a system inflammatory disease, which can have an adverse impact on the overall health.
Psoriasis And Aneurysm Precautions
According to Dr. Usman Khalid, lead author of the Denmark study, those suffering from psoriasis should be more aware of the link between psoriasis and aneurysm. They must understand the possible risk of suffering from cardiovascular diseases.
Although the study showed the relationship between having psoriasis and aneurysm, it is not yet definite whether a screening for aneurysm must be required for psoriasis patients. Knowing this will give people a sense of caution when looking at possible risks associated with the skin disease.
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