How men with psoriasis are more prone to trouble in the bedroom: Skin condition 'increases the risk of erectile dysfunction'
Published 6 Apr 2016

Men with psoriasis are more likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction, scientists have revealed.
Furthermore, their odds of sexual difficulties are even higher if they are depressed - or suffering from other health problems, such as diabetes or high blood pressure.
Experts analyzed sexual function in 191 patients with psoriasis - as well as 191 healthy men.
They found that 53 per cent of men with psoriasis reported erectile dysfunction, in comparison to only 40 per cent of those without the skin condition.
Men with psoriasis are often obese or have other cardiovascular risk factors that may restrict blood flow in the body - including the penis.
Psoriasis can also develop on the penis, which could contribute to pain and discomfort during sex, in addition to body image issues, said Dr Alejandro Molina-Leyva, a dermatologist at Complejo Hospitalario Torrecardenas, in Spain.
Dr Molina-Levya, who wasn't involved in the study, told Reuters: 'The psychological impairment of the disease, including anxiety, depression, embarrassment of their body because of psoriasis plaques, stigmatization and low self-esteem reduce sexual desire and produce insecurity and lack of concentration during sexual relationships, developing erectile dysfunction.'
The study, from Guangdong Provincial Dermatology Hospital, in Guangzhou, China, found that men with psoriasis were also more likely to report severe erectile dysfunction.
In contrast, 'healthy' men without the condition were more likely to describe milder difficulties.
Senior study author Dr Sunyun Ji explained that when men with psoriasis do develop erectile dysfunction, they may be able to improve their sexual health by keeping blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels in a healthy range.
Regular screenings, as well as treatment for depression, could also help.
Dr Ji said: 'They must pay attention to their blood pressure, blood lipids, glucose level and psychological state.'
Of the men with psoriasis, 20 per cent of those with erectile dysfunction described it as mild - while six per cent said their symptoms were severe.
In men without psoriasis, 22 per cent of those with erectile dysfunction reported mild symptoms, while two per cent reported severe symptoms, the authors wrote in the International Journal of Impotence Research.
Men in the study were not randomly selected to participate - which could potentially limit the findings.
Furthermore, the authors noted that the analysis included men who were more comfortable talking about their sexual healthy - which might mean that results could be different in a broader population of men.
Yet, the findings suggest that men with psoriasis should receive routine screenings for sexual dysfunction, as well as depression and risk factors for heart disease - such as diabetes and high blood pressure.
Regardless of whether they have psoriasis, any man who develops erectile dysfunction should see a doctor, said Dr Jon Goulding, a dermatologist at the Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust, who was not involved in the study.
Dr Goulding said: 'A screen for cardiovascular risk factors (e.g. diabetes, hypertension etc.) is crucial to pick up those which could be treated, to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.
'Patients with psoriasis already carry a higher than average risk of cardiovascular disease, so they should strictly follow standard public health advice about maintaining a healthy body weight and exercise levels, stop smoking, and reduce alcohol intake.'
A benefit to screening is that men can get help for problems in the bedroom if they need it, he added.
'There are lots of effective treatments for erectile dysfunction if it does develop, so don’t suffer in silence,' Dr Goulding said.
Daily Mail
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