

Find on this page all our tips for a better quality of life for you or your loved one. You can filter them by disease using the search bar above. Browse these articles and register to give your opinion as a comment!

How is rheumatoid arthritis diagnosed?

Rheumatoid arthritis

How is rheumatoid arthritis diagnosed?

What are the risk factors? What tests are required? Learn more about the diagnosis of...

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How to follow the evolution of rheumatoid arthritis?

Rheumatoid arthritis

How to follow the evolution of rheumatoid arthritis?

What tests are done when you have rheumatoid arthritis and what are they...

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Diabetes: how to read blood tests

Diabetes (Type 1)
Diabetes (Type 2)

Diabetes: how to read blood tests

"Do you know the values to be monitored for blood tests? Read our guide for patients with type 1 diabetes and type 2...

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Fibromyalgia diagnosis: Carenity members tell their story


Fibromyalgia diagnosis: Carenity members tell their story

The journey to being diagnosed with fibromyalgia can be long, with the average journey to diagnosis being 3 years after showing symptoms....

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How to travel with a disability?

How to travel with a disability?

Discover our tips for traveling when you have a disability and share your...

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Chronic fatigue: patients' experiences and solutions

Chronic fatigue: patients' experiences and solutions

Nearly 3,000 Carenity members responded to our chronic fatigue survey! Read the results and give your advice to reduce...

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Photo Testimonial: Ulcerative colitis won't stop me from travelling

Ulcerative colitis

Photo Testimonial: Ulcerative colitis won't stop me from travelling

"You can go weeks, months or even years without anything, and then overnight, repeat a crisis, like that, for no...

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