

What conditions and medications are incompatible with aspirin?

Published 26 Nov 2019 • By Camille Dauvergne

Used to thin the blood, as a pain-killer or to bring down a fever, aspirin is a commonly used medication. But what is the maximum amount that can be taken in a day? And what other treatments are incompatible with aspirin?

Follow our guide!

What conditions and medications are incompatible with aspirin?

What is aspirin?

Aspirin, or acetylsalicylic acid (ASA), is one of the most widely consumed medications in the world. Every year, more than 25 million tablets are produced! Even if it’s become commonplace, aspirin is still a drug whose medical use should be carefully controlled.

Like ibuprofen, aspirin has several different properties: an anticoagulant in low doses (blood thinner), an analgesic (pain-killer), an antipyretic (lowers fever) and in stronger doses an anti-inflammatory.

Aspirin works by inhibiting the synthesis of prostaglandins by acting on cyclooxygenases (COX 1 and COX 2). Because it inhibits COX 1, aspirin may cause digestive issues and stomach bleeding.

When and how to take aspirin?

These days aspirin is usually prescribed in low doses, between 75 and 300mg once a day for its blood-thinning effect. It’s systematically prescribed for patients who are at high risk of cardiovascular incidents or following a heart attack, as well as for patients who have just had a stent inserted or who are trying to avoid the formation of blood clots.

To reduce pain and fever, the maximum dose for an adult is no more than 1g of aspirin every 8 hours, or 3 grams a day.

Aspirin’s anti-inflammatory power is only unleashed at high doses: a maximum dose of 6g per day, spaced out in 3 or 4 intakes per day with a minimum of 4 hours between each intake. In this form, aspirin can be used to treat muscle pain or the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.

What medications contain aspirin?

There are some medications that contain only aspirin while others combine aspirin with other molecules. It’s important to know which medications contain aspirin to avoid accidentally taking several at once. Otherwise, a patient may overdose, increasing the risk of a number of unpleasant side-effects.

Medications containing aspirin (non-exhaustive list)

  • KARDEGIC 75/160/300/500 mg
  • NU-SEALS 75/300 mg
  • ACTAVIS 300g
  • ALKA SELTZER 324 mg
  • ASPEGIC 100/250/500/1000 mg (drinkable or injectable)
  • ASPRO 320/500 mg
  • BAYER 81mg/325mg
  • DISPRIN 300mg
  • MODIXIS 75 mg

Medications that combine aspirin with another molecule (non-exhaustive list)

When should you avoid taking aspirin?

Contra-indications with certain conditions

  • A history of allergic reactions to medications in the AA family or to NSAIDs
  • The presence of stomach or duodenum ulcers
  • If there is a heightened risk of haemorrhaging (persons predisposed to uncontrolled bleeding, or women on their period)
  • The presence of liver impairment or failure
  • The presence of kidney impairment for failure
  • The presence of uncontrolled heart impairment or failure

Usages requiring close supervision

People with histories of stomach or duodenum ulcers, asthma, gout, moderate kidney failure or women using intrauterine contraceptive devices (IUD) should consult with their physicians and alert them of any side effects!

Pregnancy and breastfeeding

The use of aspirin is not recommended for women who are 6-months or more pregnant, as there is a risk of intra-uterine death to the foetus. Women who are breastfeeding should also not take aspirin.


In the case of fever or infection-related pain (sore throat, cold, ear infection, cough, lung infection, skin rash or chickenpox), consult with your physician and use Paracetamol instead. Both ibuprofen and aspirin may mask the signs of infection which can cause complications if the infection is not treated in time.

What medications are incompatible with aspirin?


They function similarly to aspirin and taking them together may pose a risk of overdose and an increased risk of severe side-effects including stomach ulcers and bleeding.

Oral anticoagulants (blood thinners)

There’s a heightened risk of internal bleeding if aspirin is taken with oral anticoagulants (such as Warfarin, Fluidione, Sinthrome, Eliquis, Pradaxa or Rivaroxaban [Xarelto]).

Other circumstances

Aspirin may interfere with medications like lithium or methotrexate.

For more information, feel free to watch our video on YouTube:

Warning: This article is a general overview and does not replace medical advice given by a health-care professional. It does not take into account individual patient cases which may vary. Each patient is different, always take your physician before beginning or altering your treatment!

Article written by Louise-B with Camille Dauvergne, 4th-year pharmacy student.

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Author: Camille Dauvergne, Junior Community Manager France

Camille Dauvergne is currently a Junior Community Manager at Carenity. She assists the France Community Manager in animating the platform, easing member navigation of the site and encouraging them to interact.... >> Learn more

Who reviewed it: Charlotte Avril, Pharmacist, Data Scientist

Charlotte holds a PharmD and a master's degree in Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Management from ESCP Business School in Paris. She has a strong interest in e-health, health tech, rare diseases and... >> Learn more


Unregistered member
on 05/12/2019

Asthma is mentioned in the link. Very inetresting and informative article. I tries Asprin 75mgs daily for a month as precautionary measur as I was diagnosed as Possible Atrial Fibrillation. But after a moth it upset my stomach terribly, and I had to stop. Thankfully after being monitores with a loop recoder in place for 2 years, AF is ruled out

on 07/12/2019

Hi Folks,

I took a low dose of 75 mg of Aspirin daily prescribed by my GP for several years.  But, it was stopped nearly 3 years ago when I began suffering with Gastric trouble a lot.

I had a Endoscopy Procedure done and it revealed I had Gastritis and Duodenitis - so the Aspirin was stopped. A year later had another Endoscopy Procedure done and still had Gastritis and Duodenitis. Still suffer to this present day.

Unregistered member
on 11/12/2019

Heck!!! I'm in trouble then??? I've been taking 75 mg of Aspirin since my first heart attack 05 August 2008, that's over 11 years. I have always been loose in the lower region but they said it's irritable bowl syndrome. Perhaps it's been the flippin' aspirin all of the time????? 

Thanks to one and all for your contributions to this article written by Louise-B with Camille Dauvergne, 4th-year pharmacy student.


Scotty 2
on 07/01/2020

Curcumin from turmeric is high in salicylic acid, which is why it is so good at relieving inflammation and easing pain. There have been no reported cases of stomach bleeds while using it. I have had stomach ulcers and use 3x200mg capsules daily with no adverse effects. My GP is happy with this. 

I am lucky to have a GP who does not ridicule alternatives. GP's are not allowed to prescribe or even suggest alternatives, but many will check on anything you might suggest to make sure there are no contra- indications. Talk to your GP make him your friend he does want to help you be as well as possible.

on 04/05/2020

Both asprin and ibupofen give me stomach pain. I have a fatty liver and hiatus hernia

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