Tips for relieving asthma symptoms without medication
Published 7 May 2024 • By Claudia Lima
Asthma is a chronic disease that affects both children and adults, and can have a considerable impact on their quality of life.
Although medication prescribed by doctors is essential to control the symptoms, many people also seek natural solutions to complement their drug treatment or even to do without it altogether.
What are the various natural remedies that can help relieve asthma symptoms in addition to medication?
Find all the answers in our article!

What is asthma?
Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease affecting the bronchial tubes, which first appears most often in childhood.
It can be classified according to different stages of severity: mild, moderate and severe. If not properly controlled, it can have a serious impact on patients' well-being and quality of life.
The causes of asthma are multifactorial, and may involve genetic and/or environmental factors. Not everyone with asthma is sensitive to the same factors.
An asthma attack manifests itself through a repeated dry cough, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, wheezing or a feeling of tightness in the chest.
To treat asthma, it is recommended first of all, to limit all contact with the triggers of attacks. Desensitization immunotherapy can also help develop tolerance.
Drugs such as inhaled corticosteroids and slow-acting bronchodilators are used to reduce daily symptoms and prevent the attacks. In the event of an attack, patients must use rapid-acting bronchodilators.
Although asthma cannot be cured, appropriate treatment can significantly improve patients' quality of life.
How to prevent asthma attacks?
Avoiding asthma triggers is necessary to prevent the attacks. For all asthma sufferers, it is recommended to avoid smoke, dust and products that irritate the airways, such as household cleaning products and paints.
Below are the potential triggers of asthma attacks and how to avoid them:
- Dust mites: in the bedroom, regularly vacuum up dust, use anti-dust mite covers and avoid rugs and carpets. Use anti-mite products and wash bedding frequently at high temperatures,
- Pollen: stay indoors during periods of high pollen counts, close the windows, wear protective clothing when you go out and wash it afterwards,
- Pet hair: limit the pets' access to the bedroom, wash them regularly and avoid upholstered furniture,
- Mould: reduce humidity, air the rooms, clean the affected surfaces and avoid damp areas.
- Exercise-induced asthma: take bronchodilators before exercise, warm up properly and avoid exercise if your asthma worsens.
If you have occupational asthma: avoid jobs that expose you to irritating products or allergens, such as painting, hairdressing, pet grooming, etc.
How to relieve asthma symptoms?
While medication is often prescribed to control asthma symptoms, there are also certain natural remedies and lifestyle changes that can help relieve the symptoms, together with your prescribed treatment.
But be careful!
Before opting for natural treatments, it is essential to talk to your doctor or any other qualified healthcare professional. They will be able to advise you on the suitability and safety of these alternative approaches in relation to your health and medical history.
Furthermore, in the event of a persistent or severe asthma attack, it is vital to contact the emergency services immediately or see a doctor for appropriate medical treatment.
Here are some effective ways of relieving asthma symptoms without medication:
Breathe deeply
Deep breathing can help open up the airways and improve lung function. In the event of an asthma attack, keep your back straight so that your airways remain open, making it easier for air to pass into your lungs. To stop an asthmatic cough you need to breathe slowly and deeply. Do deep breathing exercises regularly to strengthen your respiratory muscles and reduce breathlessness.
Use air humidifiers
Humidifiers help maintain an optimum level of humidity in the air, which can relieve irritated airways and reduce asthma symptoms, especially during the dry winter months.
Learn to manage your stress
Stress can make asthma symptoms worse. Learn stress management techniques such as meditation, yoga or muscle relaxation to reduce stress levels and better control your asthma.
Maintain healthy weight
Being overweight or obese can make asthma symptoms worse. Maintaining a healthy weight through a balanced diet and regular physical activity helps to reduce airway inflammation and improve lung function.
Eat foods with anti-inflammatory properties
Some foods have anti-inflammatory properties and thus can help reduce inflammation of the airways in people with asthma, for example, omega-3-rich foods such as salmon, flaxseed, chia seeds and walnuts.
Drink hot caffeinated drinks and ginger tea
Ginger is thought to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can help relieve asthma symptoms. Caffeine is thought to have a potential bronchodilator effect. Caffeine consumption does not prevent or stop an asthma attack. It simply helps to slightly relieve the symptoms.
Exercise regularly
Regular exercise strengthens the lungs and improves lung function in people with asthma. Choose moderate-intensity activities such as walking, swimming or cycling to benefit from the positive effects of exercise on asthma, and to avoid over-exertion.
Get enough sleep
Good quality sleep is crucial for maintaining a healthy immune system and reducing the risk of asthma attacks. Make sure you get enough sleep every night to support your respiratory health.
In conclusion, medication is, without doubt, essential to control asthma symptoms, but some alternative methods can be a good addition to your drug treatment and improve your quality of life. These methods should only be used as complementary treatment to prescribed medication and always under the supervision of a healthcare professional.
Always talk to your doctor before making any changes to your asthma treatment.
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